Release of ECS Version 16 Software: Smart Flex


In Q3 of 2019 ECS formally released its most comprehensive software update in more than 25 years. Version 16, also called Smart Flex, delivers from the ground up a completely new compression and decompression engine – both in hardware and software. ECS Smart Flex systems can use both legacy GigE cameras as well as smart cameras that compress and process the image at the camera.

New GPU and CPU processors with Intel HD Graphics at the playback device give the operator an outstanding user response in how the video is displayed, played, scrubbed, zoomed and interrogated for sheet break and web inspection data. And this is delivered at resolutions not possible with traditional GigE cameras. ECS is currently offering resolutions of 4 MP (2048 x 2048 pixels) at 75 fps with plans to release 8 MP models before the end of 2019. This latest platform also incorporates an automated system maintenance and data historian called ECS IQ.

Please contact ECS for more information and an onsite demonstration.